Nerstrand City Council Minutes, December 14, 2021


City Council Meeting Minutes December 14, 2021

Nerstrand City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 7:00p.m. Those in attendance in person were Council Members Monica Gernandt, Jennifer Schwab, Dan Pfleger, Mayor Todd Evavold. Other people in attendance were Public Works Director Steve McDowell, City Clerk Dana Jans, 3 residents in person and 0 via ZOOM.

Roll Call

Councilpersons, Gernandt, Schwab, Pfleger and Mayor Evavold present.

Approval of Agenda

-Motion to accept the agenda by Councilperson Gernandt with the addition of “d” Discussion of trees in city park, and “e” Resolution 2021-15 National Opioid Settlements, second by Councilperson Schwab, motion passed unanimously. 

Consent Agenda

-Motion to accept all consent items by Councilperson Gernandt, second by Councilperson Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

New Business

-Appointment of John Harris as councilperson. Motion by Councilperson Gernandt to appoint John Harris to council, second by Councilperson Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

-Motion by Councilperson Gernandt to adopt Resolution 2021-14 the final tax levy, second by Councilperson Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

-Discussion on overage on legal fees will be tables until the January council meeting.

-Complaints from residents on the honeylocust trees at City Park.  Two bids were received to drop the trees. Motion by Councilperson Gernandt to take down the 3 trees as long as cost stays under $800.00, second by Councilperson Pfleger.

-Motion by Councilperson Gernandt to adopt Resolution 2021-15, approving the memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the state of MN and local governments and authorizing participation in national opioid settlements, second by Councilperson Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

-Discussion on non-compliance of resident who’s chicken permit was revoked in November.  Motion by Councilperson Schwab to impose a fine of $100.00 immediately and increase fine by $50.00 every 2 weeks until resident is within compliance, second by Councilperson Gernandt, motion passed unanimously.

-Contract with Widseth has been received. Motion by Councilperson Gernandt to sign the contract, second by Councilperson Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

-Discussion on the sale of 318 1st Street South. Councilperson Gernandt would like to see the City gain ownership of Farm Street.  Motion by Councilperson Gernandt to move Farm Street East and split the parcel with John and Ashley Meyers in trade for 318 1st Street South.  All costs incurred by the lot split and trade to be split 50/50 between the City of Nerstrand and Meyers. Seconded by Councilperson Schwab, motioned passed unanimously.

Reports from Officers

-Public Works Director McDowell reported that that things are running well.  Contacted Community Coop to trade out the cities 500 gallon tanks to 250 gallon tanks.  Tower level has been dropped.  Snow fence by the school was put up.  Keep ears open for interested parties in snow plowing next winter. Generator has been installed and the grant is complete.  Money will be sent. 


Motion by Councilperson Gernandt seconded by Councilperson Pfleger to adjourn the meeting, motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by;

Dana Jans, Nerstrand City Clerk