PRESENT: Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Members John Harris, Monica Gernandt, Kevin O’Brien
ABSENT: Dan Pfleger
ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Steve McDowell, Sandy Borders, Interim City Clerk
MOTION: Motion to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Harris, second by Council Member Gernandt
yes: Evavold, Harris, O’Brien, Gernandt Nays: None
A. Regular Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2024
B. Resolution 2024-08: Acceptance of Donation of Defibrillators to the Fire Department
C. Resolution 2024-09: Acceptance of Donation to the Nerstrand Cemetery
C. Payment of Claims dated: February 13, 2024 in the amount of $11,644.56
New Business
Approval of Election Judge List for 2024
The Presidential Nominating Primary will be held on March 5, 2024 at City Hall. The following persons have been appointed as election judges for the 2024 Elections: Monica Gernandt, Head Judge; Jeanette Baalson, Pam Caron, Luann Kuntz, Hazel Schwanke, Carri Turi, and Sandra Borders.
MOTION: Motion to approve the list of election judges for 2024 as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Harris, second by Council Member O’Brien
Ayes: Evavold, Harris, O’Brien Abstention: Gernandt Nays: None
Set date for Interviews: City Clerk Position
The city has received several applications for the part-time City Clerk position. Interviews will be held on February 20th starting at 6:00 pm.
Discussion of Pump house block restoration
It was reported that the block walls on the pump house are deteriorating and are in need of repair. Bids will be received regarding the repair.
Discussion Regarding City Parks
Council member Harris requested that this be on the agenda. Howling Adventures LLC is requesting that the city extend the hours the park can be used. They will be conducting a race on July 20-21 and will be using the park overnight for a meeting place along the race. It was explained that the racers would be coming to the park at different times during the overnight hours. There will be a need for lighting at the park. There possibly would be some music, but it would be concluded by 10:00 pm. It was suggested that letters or fliers be distributed to inform the residents around the park of the upcoming activities.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member O’Brien to allow Howling Adventures, LLC to rent the park July 20-21st for a race rest stop and allow the for the overnight use of the park, and that music will be allowed until 10 pm.
Ayes: Evavold, O’Brien, Gernandt Abstention: Harris Nays: None
Steve McDowell gave a maintenance report which included update on the Farm Street project and the property exchange. Quality Flow installed a new pump.
Joe Johnson, Fire Chief had given the council a written report for January 2024.
Council member Gernandt introduced a discussion regarding a ditch and putting signs near by that the ditch is very deep and dangerous.
Council member Gernandt asked about a liquor license for the Nerstrand school’s fund raiser. There will be beer sold from the Fire Station. Council member Gernandt will be in charge of getting the license and the insurance. The organization will be providing a list of bartenders for the events.
Motion to Adjourn:
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Harris second by Council Member Gernandt to adjourn.
Ayes: Harris, Evavold, Harris, Gernandt, O’Brien Nays: None
Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2024 at Nerstrand City Hall
Sandra Borders, Interim City Clerk