Notice of Filing Mayor and City Council Seats - City of Dennison


Notice of Filing

The filing period for persons who wish to be candidates for the following offices in the City of Dennison, is open from Tuesday July 30th, until 5 pm on August 13th, 2024. The office of Mayor of the City of Dennison (two year term) and two Dennison City Council seats (four year term) and one Dennison City Council seat (two year term) special election, are up for election this year. Anyone who meets the qualifications to be a candidate can file with the City Clerk for these offices. Please call or text the clerk at 507-990-4150, or email at to make arrangements to file within the filing period. Filing fee is $2.

Withdrawal period ends on August 15th at 5pm and must be completed by filing an Affidavit to Withdraw with the clerk no later than 5 pm.