PRESENT: Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Members Dan Pfleger, Monica Gernandt, John Harris, Kevin O’Brien
ABSENT: none
ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Steve McDowell, Sandy Borders, Interim City Clerk
MOTION: Motion to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Harris, second by Council Member O’Brien
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
A. Regular Meeting Minutes of October 10, 2023
B. Payment of Claims dated:
1. November 14 2023
Council was given a year to date financial report. Council Member Gernandt asked about the payment listed under elections since there were no elections this year. Staff will check the amount and report back to the Council.
Council Member Gernandt requested that the payroll amounts be listed in addition to the vendor payments.
MOTION: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Harris
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Goodhue County Land Use Management – Building Code Administration, Permit and Inspections Agreement
The agreement was presented to the council for discussion. The City has an agreement with Goodhue County regarding the building permits and inspections. The County is asking that the city continue with the agreement.
MOTION: Motion to approve the Agreement with Goodhue County for the Land Use Management – Building Code Administration, Permits, and Inspections as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Pfleger
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Discussion of Utility Charges for 17497 Lamb Ave.
The resident at 17497 Lamb Ave requested that he not be charged for sewer at that location because he said that the sewer has never been properly connected. The property is currently vacant. Steve McDowell stated that in order not to charge the property owner for sewer service the sewer pipe would need to be dug up and capped off so that it couldn’t be used. Council requested that staff send a letter to the property owner explaining what needs to be done with the sewer connection.
Resolution 2023-10: Certification of Unpaid Utilities to 2024 Property Taxes:
There are two properties that the council recommended be certified to the property taxes for the unpaid utilities. The amount to be certified to the taxes is $3861.84 for a period of one year and at an interest rate of 10%. Property owners have been notified of the assessment.
MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution 2023-10 Certifying unpaid utilities to Property Taxes as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Harris
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Resolution 2023-11 – Appointment of Part-Time City Clerk
Resolution 2023-11 would appoint Ariana Mudge as part-time City Clerk for the City of Nerstrand. The position would be for 20 hours per week at a rate of $23.00 per hour. Pending a satisfactory six-month review there would be a wage increase to $26.00 per hour. December 11th would her first day of employment.
MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution 2023-11 Appointment of Part-time City Clerk as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Pfleger
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Resolution 2023-12 – Designation of Polling Place
This resolution would designate Nerstrand City Hall, 221 Main Street, as the polling location for the city of Nerstrand.
MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution 2023-12 Designating Nerstrand City Hall as the polling location for elections.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Harris
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Lease Agreement for Shields Building
Currently a portion of the Shields Building is being rented by Martin Dettling at a rate of $100 per month and the lease agreement expired on November 1, 2023. The council discussed the rental of the building which included increasing the rent to $150.00 per month. The current lessee will be notified of the rent increase.
MOTION: Motion to approve the Shields Building rental agreement to $150.00 per month.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Harris
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
New lease agreement with the change in rent will be sent to Martin Dettling for signature.
Discussion of City Ordinance of Dispensaries
Mayor Evavold requested that this be discussed as to whether or not the City would allow Cannabis
dispensaries in the city. There will be more discussion regarding this on future agendas.
Transfer of Money from a dormant savings account to a Certificate of Deposit (CD) at Lake County Community Bank
The City has a dormant savings account with about $57,000 in it. The account has not had any activities in it for a few years. Currently the account if in a Money Market interest bearing account. Lake County Community Bank has been offering CD at a better rate of interest. Staff will check with the bank as to the conditions of the CD (early withdrawal penalties, and the interest rates).
Extension of Mowing Contract for 2024 for 2 years at Current Rate
The city currently has a contract with CSG Dirtworks to mow for the city. The city would like to extend the contract for two more years at the same rate of $380.00 per week for mowing and trimming.
MOTION: Motion to approve the mowing contract with CSG Dirtworks as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Pfleger, second by Council Member Harris
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Public Works Director: Steve McDowell
McDowell reported on the MN Pollution Control Agency report regarding the inspection of the wastewater treatment facility. The plant was inspected on October 18, 2023 to determine the compliance of the Nerstrand Wastewater Treatment Facility with the terms and conditions of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System / State disposal system permit. McDowell is working with PCA regarding any items that not in compliance.
McDowell reported that the heater in the Shields Building was not working properly. He also reported that the water tower inspection has been completed. He will bring to the next agenda information regarding the well house roof repair. The city will be accepting bids for the stump grinding for the stumps behind city hall.
Pump House Roof Repair:
The Pump House at 321 1st St. South roof is in need of repair. Bargen Incorporated has submitted a quote for the repair. The quote for the repair is $6,625.00.
MOTION: Motion to approve the quote from Bargen Incorporated in the amount of $6,625 for the repair of the pump house as presented.
Motion made by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Harris
Ayes: Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Mayor Report:
Mayor Evavold reported the Bolling Engineering will be attending the next council meeting and doing a presentation.
Council Member Reports:
Council member Pfleger commented on several items.
• Someone had reported about water running across their driveway and not running toward the alley on Cherry Street.
• Clerk Hours – it was recommended that the clerk working hours would be reasonable for the people in town
• Council members phone numbers should possibly be on the web page.
• Lights at the band shell in the park. The lights at the band shell were left on after the park had been used. McDowell will check the lights and shut them off at the breaker
• Hours for the band shell: recommendation that the band shell be closed at 10:00 pm
• Complaints about dogs running loose and the number of dogs allowed per household. Staff will check the ordinances and report back.
Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for December 12th, 2023 at Nerstrand City Hall
Motion Adjourn:
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Gernandt, second by Council Member Pfleger to adjourn.
Ayes: Harris, Evavold, Pfleger, Gernandt, Harris, O’Brien Nays: None
Todd Evavold
Mayor Todd Evavold
Sandra Borders, Interim City Clerk