Nerstrand City Council Meeting Minutes March, 2022


City Council Meeting Minutes March, 2022

Nerstrand City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 7:00p.m. Those in attendance in person were Council Members Monica Gernandt, Dan Pfleger, Jennifer Schwab, John Harris and Mayor Todd Evavold.  Other people in attendance; City Clerk, Dana Jans, Public Works Director, Steve McDowell, one resident, two business owners, two residents via ZOOM.

Roll Call

Councilpersons, Gernandt, Schwab, Pfleger, Harris and Mayor Evavold present.

Approval of Agenda

-Motion to accept the agenda by Councilor Schwab, second by Councilor Gernandt, motion passed unanimously. 

Consent Agenda

-Motion to accept all consent items by Councilor Gernandt, second by Councilor Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

New Business

-Resolution 2022-03 Reestablishing Precinct, polling location, and secondary location; motion by Councilor Schwab, second by Councilor Gernandt, motion passed unanimously.

-Motion by Councilor Schwab to adopt Resolution 2022-04 requesting dynamic speed display signs and blinking pedestrian crosswalk sign on MN Highway 246, second by Councilor Harris, motion passed unanimously.

-Discussion on lawn mowing bids. Three bids received, Rojas, CSG and Kispert.  Motion by councilor Schwab to accept CSG bid for lawn mowing and spring clean-up second by Councilor Harris, motion passed unanimously. 

-Motion by Councilor Gernandt to accept donation of $300.00 from the Dennison Lions Club, second by Councilor Harris, motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

-Widseth to attend April meeting with updated CIP.

Reports from Officers

-Public Works Director McDowell reported that that things are running well. McDowell will meet at the Schiels building with Fire and Rescue members to clean it out. Continuing to work on phone to reduce the price being paid.  Working with McCarthy well for the upcoming well work.

-Mayor Evavold is working on getting things in order to proceed with improvement on second story.


Motion by Councilor Harris second by Councilor Pfleger to adjourn the meeting, motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by;

Dana Jans    

Nerstrand City Clerk