Nerstrand City Council Meeting - May 10, 2022


City Council Meeting Minutes May 10, 2022

Nerstrand City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 7:00p.m. Those in attendance in person were Council Members Monica Gernandt, Dan Pfleger, Jennifer Schwab, and Mayor Todd Evavold.  Other people in attendance were Public Works Director, Steve McDowell, City Clerk, Dana Jans, 1 resident, and a representative from Restore Masters, Mike Schuckmann.  Council member John Harris, absent.

Roll Call

Councilpersons, Gernandt, Pfleger, Schwab, and Mayor Evavold present.

Approval of Agenda

-Motion to accept the agenda by Councilor Schwab with the addition of roof discussion, second by Councilor Pfleger, motion passed unanimously. 

Consent Agenda

-Motion to accept all consent items by Councilor Gernandt, second by Councilor Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

New Business

-No damage to the roof from storms, nothing needs to be done at this time.

-Budget dates are set for June 21st and 22nd starting at 6:30.

-Late fee of $10.00 for unpaid utility bills will be assessed at the time of the second billing.

Old Business

-Things continue to move forward with the new signage on Highway 246.

-Planning and zoning have not yet responded to the permit submitted for City Hall.

Reports from Officers

-Public Works Director McDowell things are still in motion with Verizon and Source Inc. Still waiting on quotes for road repairs.  Hydrant flushing went as well as expected.  Waiting on Farm Street to be surveyed.  Widseth will be able to get this done if we want to use them.  McDowell or Jans will reach out to them.


Motion by Councilor Gernandt second by Councilor Pfleger to adjourn the meeting, motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by;

Dana Jans    

Nerstrand City Clerk