Nerstrand City Council Meeting - June 14, 2022


City Council Meeting Minutes June 14, 2022

Nerstrand City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 7:00p.m. Those in attendance in person were Council Members Monica Gernandt, Dan Pfleger, Jennifer Schwab, John Harris and Mayor Todd Evavold.  Other people in attendance were Public Works Director, Steve McDowell, City Clerk, Dana Jans, 3 residents and business owner.  Two residents attended via ZOOM and a representative from Widseth, Joe Sutherland.

Roll Call

Councilpersons, Gernandt, Pfleger, Schwab, Harris, and Mayor Evavold present.

Approval of Agenda

-Motion to accept the agenda by Councilor Schwab, second by Councilor Gernandt, motion passed unanimously. 

Consent Agenda

-Motion to accept all consent items by Councilor Gernandt, second by Councilor Schwab, motion passed unanimously.

New Business

-Motion by Councilor Pfleger to appoint election judges for the primary and/or general elections, seconded by Councilor Harris. Motion passed by majority, Harris, Pfleger, Evavold fore, Schwab and Gernandt, abstain.

-Mayor Evavold is looking for residents for two volunteer opportunities; small repairs in the park shelter kitchen, and painting the band-shell.  Clerk will list on the bill card, email, and Facebook.

-Discussion on resident living in an uninhabitable structure. Clerk will check with resident, Rice County Social Services and Rice County Sheriffs Department.

Old Business

-Motion by Councilor Gernandt to move forward with the second story egress pending Goodhue County, and MN State Historical Society approval, second by Councilor Harris, motion passed unanimously.

-Motion by Councilor Gernandt to move forward with the storm sewer repair in front of City Hall and the replacement of a couple portions of sidewalk contingent of approval from Goodhue County and USDA Rural Development in regards to ADA compliance, second by Councilor Schwab, motioned passed unanimously.

-Joe Sutherland discussed CIP. Council liked the plan, but questioned a comment regarding the fire hall.  Clerk will contact the architect who drafted the document.

-Motion by Councilor Gernandt to proceed with the purchase of signs at the compost site up to $1,000.00, motion passed unanimously.

Reports from Officers

-Motion by Councilor Schwab to approve $3,000.00 towards a brush truck being purchased from MN DNR contingent upon the other fire service communities put money in as well, second by Councilor Harris, motion passed unanimously.

-Public Works Director McDowell said things are running well.  Working on a bid for 2nd Street S repair.  Grading on 3rd Street N is completed, but additional gravel has not been brought yet.  Clerk will contact Widseth to move forward with the survey of Farm Street.


Motion by Councilor Gernandt second by Councilor Schwab to adjourn the meeting, motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by;

Dana Jans    

Nerstrand City Clerk