Nerstrand City Council Meeting - April 19, 2022


City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2022

Nerstrand City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 7:00p.m. Those in attendance in person were Council Members Monica Gernandt, Dan Pfleger, John Harris, and Mayor Todd Evavold.  Other people in attendance in person were Public Works Director, Steve McDowell, Fire Chief, Joe Johnson, two business owners, and 5 residents. Other people in attendance via ZOOM; City Clerk, Dana Jans,  Dana Hlebichuk from Widseth, Councilor Jennifer Schwab and three residents.

Roll Call

Councilpersons, Gernandt, Pfleger, Harris and Mayor Evavold present.

Approval of Agenda

-Motion to accept the agenda by Councilor Gernandt, second by Councilor Harris, motion passed unanimously. 

Consent Agenda

-Motion to accept all consent items by Councilor Gernandt, second by Councilor Harris, motion passed unanimously.

New Business

-Motion by Councilor Gernandt to rent the Schiels building to Dettling’s Creamery for another 6 months, seconded by Council Pfleger, motion passed unanimously.

-Discussion regarding high legal fees from 2021. Legal had to be consulted to protect employees and city council.  All accusations were reviewed by legal, MN Office of State Auditors, League of MN and deemed unfounded and were dismissed.

Old Business

-Widseth representative Dana Hlebichuk discussed the draft capital improvement plan they put together.  A draft will be presented in May and the final will be delivered at the June city council meeting.

-SHIP grant is awarded to the City of Nerstrand for 2 new pedestrian push activated crosswalk signs and two radar signs.  All to be placed on MN State Hwy 246/Main Street.

Reports from Officers

-Public Works Director McDowell reported that 3 generators didn’t start the day of the April 12th storm.  Grading will be done when weather permits.  Hydrant flushing will take place the evening of April 29th or April 30th.  Switching from CenturyLink and AT&T for phone service for the sewer is on track.

-Mayor Evavold is working on getting things in order to proceed with improvement on second story.  A staircase may have been located.


Motion by Councilor Gernandt second by Councilor Pfleger to adjourn the meeting, motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by;

Dana Jans    

Nerstrand City Clerk