City of Dennison September 2 Council Meeting


City of Dennison

Regular Council Meeting

September 2nd, 2021

The September Dennison City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Flaten on Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 7:00 pm.  Present were Councilors, Nichole Schloesser and Diane Ruddle, and Clerk Jessica Page.  Councilors Heidi Cooke and Ann Anders was unable to attend.

Councilor Ruddle move to accept the minutes for the August regular meeting with the removal of the individual’s name in Section 4 of Utilities.  Councilor Schloesser second. Motion passed 3:0. Councilor Ruddle moved to approve the treasurer’s report, Councilor Schloesser second.  Motion passed 3:0. 

Building Permits: 

Mike Hince would like to put a deck in where he had had a patio for several years.   Councilor Ruddle move to approve, Councilor Schloesser second. Motion passed 3:0

City of Dennison would like to re-roof City Hall.  Councilor Ruddle move to approve the permitCouncilor Schloesser  second.  Motion passed 3:0.

Administrative Issues:

  1. Force Main Update: Nothing new.  Looks like the end of October for materials to be available, and into Nov for work to start.  The Order Change was forwarded to PFA by the Mayor. 
  2. Phosphorus project:  There were 2 bids received for the project by the due date. Both companies checked out according to ISG.  Pioneer Power, Inc bid $179,925 and Winona Mechanical bid $204,900.  Councilor Ruddle moved to accept the Pioneer Power bid.  Councilor Schloesser second.  Motion passed 3:0.

For the shed itself, the fence replacement is not completed yet. Insulation in the attic is not blown in because waiting for mechanical work to take place before doing that. LP tank is installed/line to the shed finished. Should probably fill with propane.

Carley had sent an email to the council about the GridBee mixer and the warranty. There's a 2 year standard warranty now, not a 10 year warranty as was before. Discussion about extending the warranty to 10 years? It would cost another $5,000 to do that. Wait until the special meeting to discuss the warranty.  Looks like delivery would be 12 weeks out.  Based on what the Mayor was told by the operator in Hayward, they run the mixer 12-18 hours before each discharge. So, we could be running that mixer only 5 or 6 days a year. 

Jeff will send an email to Cara regarding the progress of the project after the meeting.

  1. Parcel Split for Strese/Rowan, part two.  The zoning category needs to be changed on the parcel that is requested to be split off from a parcel owned by Mike Strese to change it from agricultural (A-O) to residential suburban (R-2) so that is can be added to Mike Rowan’s current parcel.   A  public hearing for was scheduled October 7 at 6:45.
  2. Terry Haugen would like to make his dwelling a multi unit rentable unit, and drop from 5 acres to 3 acres for the building code (would like to add 16 feet to the back of his shed., as well as annex in the small parcel.  Afer annexation, it would be divided between Kelms and Haugens, then added to each person’s parcel.  Currently renter in basement is a single person, kids on weekends.  Mom, dad, kid planning on moving in if it’s sold.  Amend that the Ordinance to have more than one person renting.  Council felt that they should get a legal opinion from Jim Burkhardt on this situation.  Terry would like to talk with Burkhardt and then for the City to talk to him.  City will get Jim’s interpretation on the situation.  Mayor will talk to Jim.  October 15th is the potential sale date according to Terry for his parcel.
  3. Prepay for propane?  Current price is $1.649 per gallon.  In the past,  we have prepayed approx. 1400 gallons.  Need to add more gallons for phosphorus shed?  Last couple years have used more than the 1400 gallons Wait on the propane since we won’t have chemical’s in the shed until next spring.  Councilor Ruddle move to prepay the 1400 gallons as usual.  Councilor Schloesser second. Motion passed 3:0.
  4. Kevin and Paul updates: Paul present at the meeting.  He explained that by the end of weekend, the external part of addition will be done, so other stuff can be moved.  All tires are loaded up.  He has 4 trailers worth of stuff ready to go out. The non running car is being picked up next week.  Kevin had texted some information on how he was cleaning up. He had removed the weeds that were growing over the fence.  He had pictures of what he had cleaned up.  Council was appreciative of both parties working on getting their areas cleaned up.  It continues to be a work in progress.
  5. Joe Johnson, Nerstrand Fire Dept.  sent over some information on the current budget making process for the Fire Department.  There will be an increase in the amount for the Fire Contract and they are working on that amount at this time.  He’s hoping to come in October to answer any questions.
  6. Funding gap for the phosphorus system at the ponds. Assuming we approve a bid for the mechanical portion, we will know the gap in funding needed by the City to finance. With the cost to fix the liner, we have $79,500 left from the bonding bill money. Mayor Flaten will reach out to MRWA with a number to finance. PFA is going to need the City to pass a resolution regarding the final numbers as far as what we will finance on our own. Will have the resolution ready in October for the PFA. It is recommend to use the sewer savings to help reduce the debt/MRWA loan the City owes on the phosphorus shed. Mayor Flaten recommend directing the $25 monthly fee towards paying off the shed. Council will look at on the 16th at the special meeting.
  7. Roofing project was approved by LMCIT.  Need to choose a color for the shingles.  Weathered wood for the color is the consensus.
  8. Snowplowing, ad is out.  Will review on the 16th.  Councilor Ruddle shared on Lions page, it is also on the City website, in addition to the paper and being posted.
  9. Doug Gysbers installed the catch basin in the back alley behind the old Johnny Angels  bar recently. City has been waiting about three years for that to be completed.  It appears to be working.  There was a question on the Easement work.  Mayor Flaten will follow up with that.

12.Dennison Days  Any issues? It went well was the overall consensus.  City will get billed for the portion of the portable toilets that Council voted on paying for.  Games still in City Hall and Lions were hoping they could stay until Halloween for the kids Halloween party.  Street dance worked out ok on Friday night.

13.Sump Pump inspections coming along well.  10 left to inspect. 

14.Need to approve the annual liability coverage waiver.  “The City of Dennison does not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minn Stat 466.04.”  Councilor Schloesser move to approve. Councilor Ruddle second. Motion passed 3:0.

Citizens Issues:

Chairs for Joe September 3rd.  Bryan Eggum Sept 8th for chairs.

Mayors Issues:


  1. Update from Nate:

B and B would do the work to hook up the meter and/or replace the meter on the Koester Property.  Council will need an estimate.  They will also fix the curb stop in a different area. 

Ponds are good 42 and 50 in the secondary.  Plenty of storage. 

Reader is working on Rowan's house now.  Karl’s fixed, Taylor’s is done also.

  1. The testing class was full for the test Nate needed to take.  City will be issued a refund for the training costs.  Will need to find another time to take the class/test.

Councilor Schloesser move to pay all the bills.  Councilor Ruddle second.  Motion passed 3:0.   

Motion to adjourn the meeting was make by Mayor Flaten.  Second by Councilor Schloesser.  Meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting:  Regular meeting is Thursday October 7th, 2021 at 7:00. 

Special meeting on September 16th  at 7:00 pm to review plow bids, and work on the budget/set the levy, set up amount for the resolution.